Article ideas on Versailles

We understand that you often work to tight deadlines when writing articles. That's why we have compiled articles featuring the highlights and latest news updates from the royal town.

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Artisan d'Art à Versailles

Les métiers d'Art à Versailles

Partez à la recherche des quelques 130 métiers d’art installés dans les quartiers historiques Versailles est le fruit de la volonté d’un roi. Mais on oublie trop souvent tous les artistes et artisans qui contribuèrent de façon discrète mais si efficace, et avec tant de goût, aux embellissements du château : sculpteurs, peintres, doreurs, ébénistes, tapissiers, orfèvres,… innombrable fourmilière sans cesse occupée à satisfaire les demandes du roi et de ses proches. Des œuvres sorties de leurs mains, les contemporains ne parlent pas, tant il leur était naturel de vivre dans de la beauté...
Galerie des Affaires étrangères

Versailles: A centre of power and influence

In the 17th and 18th centuries, Versailles was a centre of global attention. The art it produced was imitated throughout France and Europe, and the French spoken there became the language of culture and diplomacy. Court fashions were adopted everywhere, while the policies pursued by the King kept all of Europe in a state of suspense.

Versailles cuisine

Discover the deliciously quirky culinary history of Versailles! The Kings and Queens of France were known for their sweet tooth. Louis XIII was very partial to jam, especially at the end of a meal, while Louis XIV had a strong predilection for sugar-coated chestnuts and pastries. Louis XV soon showed a fondness for hot chocolate and never tired of extolling its fortifying, aphrodisiac and invigorating effects, while Marie-Antoinette had an unbridled passion for macaroons, which soon became her culinary motif.