Du théatre chez Léon Blum - L'Etat de siège

Cultural, Entertainment/recreation
Location : Maison Léon Blum


State of Siege is a play written by Albert Camus in 1948 about resistance to totalitarian regimes.
The show, proposed by Versailles Grand Parc, will take place outdoors in the Maison’s park.

” “I would like to see The State of Siege in the open air” wrote Camus in 1958 (…) We want to make this dream ours (…) We will work in the spirit of the trestle theater, in the relationship with the public and confidence in one's imagination. A raw and generous theater (…) which still believes, naively, superbly, in a possible victory of courage over evil.” – Excerpts from the note of intent from Emmanuel Besnault, director.

Since 2010, the Compagnie de L'Eternel Eté, initially based in Vaucluse, has lived in a dynamic of popular theater, demanding and accessible, placing the spirit of the troupe and the meeting with the public as a real work ethic. With her 12 years of creative experience, she presented 12 shows with the assistance of 30 artists during more than 1,200 performances.
General information
  • Cultural and artistic :
    • Theatre
  • Accessibility criteria for people with reduced mobility :
    • Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs
    • WC + grab handle + adequate space to move
Association Maison Léon Blum
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Maison Léon Blum
4 rue Léon Blum
  • Spoken language(s) :
    • French


4 rue Léon Blum
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 48.770019
Longitude : 2.168463