The Potters' Days of Versailles

Commercial event

Saturday 21 September 2024

10:00 to 19:00

Sunday 22 September 2024

09:00 to 18:00

Location : Avenue de Saint Cloud
  • The Potters' Days of Versailles
  • The Versailles Potters' Market
  • The Versailles Potters' Market
  • The Versailles Potters' Market
  • The Versailles Potters' Market
The Potters' Days of VersaillesThe Versailles Potters' MarketThe Versailles Potters' MarketThe Versailles Potters' MarketThe Versailles Potters' Market


The 26th Journées de Potiers de Versailles (Versailles Potters' Days) will be held on the side-alleys of the Avenue de St Cloud in Versailles on 21 and 22 September 2024.
Come and discover this ceramics market, renowned for years for the quality and variety of the techniques on display. This year, 35 selected exhibitors from all over France will be on hand to welcome you. They'll be showing you their work and sharing the secrets of their skills.

All the participants are registered professionals who have acquired recognised skills in their field. They are driven by the pride of perpetuating an age-old tradition of craftsmanship and passing on our artisan heritage.

The Versailles potters' market combines tradition with innovation, and creativity with authenticity!

This year, a special area will be dedicated to 3 young ceramists, offering them a springboard for developing their businesses and encouraging them in their creative endeavours.

-Children's entertainment in the afternoons from 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.

-Competition open to visitors to choose the best stand. Results on Sunday at 5.00 p.m.
General information
  • Cultural and artistic :
    • Exhibition
  • Art and culture :
    • Arts and crafts
    • Pottery
  • Commercial events :
    • Fair or show
    • Market
Yvelines Céramique
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Avenue de Saint Cloud
  • Spoken language(s) :
    • French


  • Indication prix :
    • Gratuit


GPS coordinates
Latitude : 48.805174
Longitude : 2.132027