Coming (back) to Versailles this winter?

Here are 5 reasons why coming to Versailles in January, February or March is the best.
A royal winter awaits you in 2018...

1 - You will avoid the crowd

In a touristic city like Versailles, there will inevitably be a lot of people during  the summer months.
Coming to Versailles during winter means:


Less waiting at the Palace

There is usually less people at the Palace in winter, which means
less queuing time to enter!
You can even book your ticket in advance by visiting our page:
Which ticket should I get?

Smaller guided tours

You will likely be able to enjoy your visit in small groups.
Have a look at our guided tour of the King's Private Apartments !

Discovering museums you don't get to see during the summer

Because visiting the Palace during the summer usually takes the whole day, there is no time left to go and explore other parts of the city.
During winter, you will have time to truly appreciate the royal city. Go and discover the Gallery of Coaches, the <a data-cke-saved-href="" href="" _blank"="" style="color: rgb(25, 64, 112); box-sizing: border-box; background-color: transparent; text-decoration-line: none;">Royal Tennis Court, the Lambinet Museum, or simply stroll along the streets of the old town...

Note : During school holidays of the Paris region, a lot of local families are coming to Versailles. From February 17th until March 5th, 2018, beware of the crowd!




2 - You will take the best pictures

Attention, instragramers and photo enthusiasts! Versailles in winter will give you the best photos ever...
And if you don't believe me, here is a little selection to illustrate my point!


  • grand-canal-369
  • Visite guidée

3 - Coziness of the restaurants and cafés

Winter... the occasion to test all cafés in the city and find out who is making the best hot chocolate!

Also the occasion to stay for dinner in Versailles and enjoy the royal city a little longer...

Discover all our top spots!


4 - It will be cheaper


Low season means low prices, and you will save money !

Hotels in particular will be a lot less expensive. Have a look at our hotel reservation service!

5 - Versailles does not have a winter sleep

Come rain, hail or snow...

...Markets are open year-round

Famously known markets of Versailles are not only open in high-season. You will love the Notre Dame market, one of the most beautiful markets in France !

Discover all the markets in Versailles!

... There is always a show in town

Are you more classic style?
Then go and have a look at the Royal Opera programme!

Or more out of the ordinary?
The Equestrian Academy of Versailles will welcome you for a remarkable show, La Voie de l'Ecuyer, every weekend from mid-february.


Article written by Adélaïde
Published on Friday December 27, 2024 at 15:05