Agenda in Spring

For her solo exhibition at La Maréchalerie, Caroline CORBASSON proposes to retrace her video work ...
Learn how to make classic French desserts, with a glass of champagne ! (Workshop in English)
As the seasons go by, to the rhythm of baroque music (Lully, Handel, Charpentier, Campra, ...
This market, a true crossroad of colours and flavours, is the loveliest in the Ile-de-France region ...
Visit the Turgenev Museum on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays afternoon of the month, from April to ...
Water displays and baroque music during a walk through the gardens and groves of the Château de ...
With the Pages and the Singers of the Centre de musique baroque de Versailles, Fabien Armengaud ...
In 1713, Louis XIV created the Dance School of the Royal Academy of Music. Three centuries later, ...
Come and discover this crêpe cake revisited in the style of Hélène Darroze in her restaurant Joia...
An original creation, a unique show: at the crossroads of baroque music and the circus arts, this ...
Stéphane Fuget continues his exploration of early Italian opera, after recording the trilogy of ...
The Valentin Haüy association organizes a triathlon in pairs composed of a visually impaired person...
The Versailles Jazz Festival is back in Versailles from 24 March to 1 April 2023 with three major ...
The Versailles Campus is exhibiting works created by students and professional designers as part of ...
The young soprano from Lausanne, Marie Lys, has won over audiences in just a few years, making her ...
Explore the Seine on a Zodiac with a guide, following the steps of Monet, Renoir and Berhe ...
After the success of Rhine Gold in May 2023 and Die Walküre in March 2024, here comes the third ...
Several times a year, the Musée de la Toile de Jouy invites you to attend conferences where experts...
An evening at the museum on the theme of wine and art. Have you ever enjoyed a fine wine while ...