Théatre des arcades de Buc - CHAPLIN, 1939 by Cliff Paillé


Friday 28 March 2025

Location : Théâtre des Arcades
  • Théatre des arcades de Buc - CHAPLIN, 1939 by Cliff Paillé_Buc


Come and see this comedy show about Charlie Chapelin. Ages 12 and up.
With : Romain Arnaud-Kneisky, Alice Serfati and Alexandre Cattez
Directed by Cliff Paillé

1939: Chaplin is an icon, rich, adored, courageous in his choices... Incredibly free. He wanted to make a fool of Hitler, whom he found ridiculous and who, above all, had dared to steal his moustache! So he set about writing the film The Great Dictator. Between emotion, tension and humour, this bubbling creative period plunged Chaplin into a veritable intimate storm, as violent as it was unexpected, bringing him face to face with himself.
Out of suffering, misery, fear and feelings of rejection, mountains of determination can be born. That's what we call resilience.
General information
  • Services :
    • 10 yrs old min
  • Cultural and artistic :
    • Theatre
  • Art and culture :
    • Comic
Mairie de Buc
Phone : +33 1 39 20 71 00
Théâtre des Arcades
6 rue des Frères Robin
  • Spoken language(s) :
    • French


28/03/2025 - 28/03/2025
Full price16.00€0.00€
Reduced price9.00€0.00€-18 ans, étudiants, +65 ans, demandeurs d?emploi, personnes en situation de handicap.
Associate member12.00€0.00€


6 rue des Frères Robin
GPS coordinates
Latitude : 48.774862
Longitude : 2.126637